summer in my soul
Mela Kamin
Reviews& mentions

Carl Herrgesell and Dan Needham, Mela's Producers
"She just works harder than any other artist I've worked with." ~ Carl
"She has so much tenacity. Most people couldn't possibly accomplish what she has so quickly." ~ Dan
Ann Voskamp, Author & Speaker
"I gave (my daughter) your CD and I think she only wasn't listening to it when she was sleeping. She has most of the songs now memorized and your beautiful voice is filling our home endlessly! You are soul beautiful and your Jesus-Joy infuses our hours. I just had to thank you."
Kelly O'Neil, Music Reviewer
"Summer in My Soul is every bit as bright and sunny as the title suggests. Kamin pours her heart and smile into each of these outstanding songs. It can be challenging to appreciate the great music, song structures and inspiring lyrics all at the same time. Mela is not trying to prove or improve a thing - she is writing and singing from her heart in this formidable debut."
It's Not Too Late - Mela's story
was featured in Holley Gerth's book, You're Made for a God-Sized Dream "Opening the Door to All God Has For You."

Lyric video for "Surrounded by Your Love". Watch the video
MN Walk Now For Autism Chair
"What an awesome source of encouragement and inspiration. I truly think your ministry was hard at work that day. We appreciated your generosity in providing your talents. We were blessed by your voice."
Kristen Welch, Founder of Mercy House & Author
"Mela sent me a copy of her CD to listen to and do you know how I felt after I listened to it? Inspired. I’m not about to give up on my dream (to write a book). Neither should you."

I'm a wife and a blessed Mom of 3 adult kids. I've held jobs in the spotlight and in the shadows, from public relations to ministry - always striving to find a way to be creative and use my gifts to impact others. I grew up surrounded by laughter, love and lots of music. I revel in my really loud, funny family who chooses kindness first, always loves, makes others smiles, invites others to know Jesus, and never gives up. Being a Mom, singing, writing and teaching all bring me joy. I thank God for the faith to sustain all these callings.